
Need More Money?

More capital doesn’t translate to a greater chance of winning I’ve seen a number of novice traders blame their lack of success in trading on...


You won’t become wealthy by trading more. Trading is not a physical job. Making optimal decisions will make you wealthy. The decisions that are in...


Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams; Who looks inside, awakes. Based on the experience...

Money and Trading

It is hard to watch when most retail traders trade for quick money. The worst situation is when one must trade and make gains...

Jesse Livermore

"The stock market is never obvious. It is designed to fool most people, most of the time.". The quote that first introduced me to...


Probabilities has to be one of the most important concepts that traders should grasp fully in order to be well-positioned for trading success. The idea...

No Work, No Food

There is an old saying in zen “No work, no food”. It could be translated as “We aren't deserving of what is provided to...

Don’t Take It For Granted

Living in the 21st century, we have access to technology and resources to learn more in a day than our ancestors could in a...

Persistence and Thinking Deeply

This is very true based on my personal experience.  I was so excited when I initially started trading that I was glued to the screen...

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